Live Webinar
The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God.
The Spiritual development in eternal life.
Leading all people to Eternal life
Language: English, French, German, Italian Hungarian, Slovenian, consecutive translation from Russian
Access: webinar, multilingual, ZOOM application, access via computer, smartphone, tablets
13. – 15. 9. 2024
Friday: 18:00 - 21:30,
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00-13:30.
180 EUR
The price includes 22% VAT.
Payment is possible via PayPal or bank transfer.
Registration until 12. 9. 2024
The webinar will begin in:
Based on understanding of such a very difficult question, what is the reason that there are also those children who were not born due to certain circumstances, we can understand of what kind of mistakes we can make being already in adulthood.
What can you get at this webinar?
Based on understanding of such a very difficult question, what is the reason that there are also those children who were not born due to certain circumstances, we can understand of what kind of mistakes we can make being already in adulthood. Here there is an understanding of how leaving these inner circumstances leads to the possibility of acquiring a certain level of Universal action in every action of a Person in relation to the whole following infinity of the life of this person and even the World.
And here, through raising the question of a more precise formation of the concept of the Universal Resurrection, we can reach not only the task of resurrecting unborn children, but also of overcoming and eliminating all the circumstances that led to the fact that a particular child was not born. This is the characteristic of the Universal Life of a Human, which is developed by a person in one’s own life. In turn, this provides additional opportunities of subtle vision in very contrasting levels of perceiving the picture of Eternal Development.
And this in turn leads already to the possibility of seeing the action of God within all Living and Existing things. At this point, based on the previous technologies of the material examined, we can also comprehend the technologies of Resurrection in such an extended spectrum of tasks and in general the possibilities of faster movement to the Eternal Life of all people in general.
All the knowledge you receive in the seminar is universal, applicable to different situations.
The webinar is based on the seminar “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The spiritual development in eternal life”, first read by the author on August 14, 2015.
Highlights from the webinar:
Questions and answers on the material studied.
The seminar is suitable for both complete beginners and experienced practitioners.
Upon a special request you can do the exam with the certified teachers Viacheslav Konev and Elizabeta Bobnar Najzer.
Viacheslav Konev
The teacher Viacheslav Konev is known throughout the world for his deep knowledge in the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi. He has two higher educations: medical and legal, as well as a Diploma with Honours of the “Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi” in the city of Belgrade, registration number 2 from March 17, 2018.
He has been teaching The Teachings since 2002, since 2005 he was personally trained by Grabovoi.
This allowed him to gain a deep understanding of the teachings of Grigori Grabovoi. Viacheslav Konev has excellent practical experience in transferring knowledge about the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in an understandable and accessible way. The experience of Viacheslav - according to the author of the Teachings – is great for transferring knowledge about eternal life, to give people the opportunity to create eternal life.
He conveys the knowledge of Grigori Grabovoi in an authentic, structured, and lively way, offering the audience the opportunity to understand this wonderful Teachings in all the nuances and in its depths.
Elizabeta Bobnar Najzer
Webinar host and lecturer of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi
Nafisa Melikholova
Each participant on the live webinar receives a free link to the webinar recording.
Access to the webinar recording can be purchased at any time
Live Webinar
Leading all people to Eternal life
13. – 15. 9. 2024
180 EUR
The price includes 22% VAT.
Payment is possible via PayPal or bank transfer.
Payment on bank account
Payment details:
Recipient: EHO PR, Elizabeta Bobnar Najzer, s.p., SI47746971,
Address: Drenikova ulica 18, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bank: Delavska hranilnica d.d., Ljubljana, Miklosiceva ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana
TRR / IBAN: SI56 6100 0000 9050 641
Reference: 00 20240913
In the case of payment to a bank account, please send us a confirmation of payment by e-mail!
Pre-registration for the webinar
After registration, you will receive payment instructions and additional information by e-mail.
We hereby inform and declare, that all the works, seminars, and workshops on The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi are of an educational nature and are based legally on Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, endorsed by a UN General Assembly resolution, according to which, everyone has the right to education. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality.
They are not a medical activity and are intended to achieve a standard based on one's own development and in no way do not limit any right to contact licensed doctors, hospitals and other public health institutions.